




1.              ________________________所有员工的工时记录、加班记录、工资表、计件记录、银行转账记录等工资相关记录
All employees’ time records, overtime records, payroll journals, piece rate records, bank transfer records etc,  for _________________________
2.              全体员工的劳动合同
All employees’ labor contracts
3.              全体员工的人事档案及身份证复印件
All employees’ personnel files, photocopies of identity cards,
4.              员工的请假记录、离职员工申请表及工资支付记录
Employees’ applications for leave, applications of employees having resigned and their wage payment records
5.              厂规、厂纪和员工奖惩记录
Facility regulations, rules and records of bonus, penalties for all employees
6.              社会保险缴费记录及相关证明文件(如适用)
Social Insurance receipts or invoice records, and relevant waivers (if applicable)
7.              消防演习、消防培训记录和消防设施检查记录
Fire drill, training records, and fire equipment inspection records
8.              营业执照、国税和地税登记证
Business license, National Tax and Local Tax Registration,
9.              厨房卫生许可证, 厨工健康证、未成年员工体检记录及上岗登记证、竣工验收证明(如适用)
Kitchen Sanitation Permit , kitchen workers’ Health Certificates, underage workers’ Health Certificates and Work Registration, Completion of Construction Proof of Inspection (if applicable)
10.          生产设备清单及特种设备的验收、检修记录, 各种特种设备年检记录或使用许可(如电梯、锅炉安全年检)、各种特种设备员工上岗证(如叉车驾照、电工证)
Production equipment list, records for inspection and maintenance of special equipment, annual inspection records and use permits for all types of special equipment (such as annual elevator and boiler safety inspection records), permits for employees engaged in the use of special equipment (such as forklift operators’ licenses, electrician’s licenses)
11.          排污许可证, 有害(危险)废物排放许可证 (如适用)
Waste Disposal Permit, toxic (dangerous) waste discharge permission (If applicable)
12.          其他政府部门批准或许可证书(如综合计时制或其他种类之加班批文)
Other approval or permission authorized by governmental departments (such as Comprehensive Working Hours System or other types of overtime waivers)
13.          员工安全卫生培训及岗位培训记录、化学品人员培训 (如适用)
Health and safety training records, records of special training for employees engaged in chemical use (If applicable)
14.          工伤事故记录、急救人员培训证书
Occupational injury and accident log, certification of employee first aid training
15.          各个岗位风险及所应提供之个人保护用品之评估 (如适用)
Risk/hazard assessment of each workstation and assessment of personal protective equipment (PPE) that should be provided for each production process (If applicable)
16.          工会相关文件记录(如适用)
Documentation related to labor union at facility (if applicable)
17.          工厂平面图
Plot plan of factory compound
18.          其他认证证书(如ISO9000, ISO1400、SA8000等)
Other certificates (such as ISO9000, ISO14000, SA8000, etc.)
19.          Inspection report of drinking water
20.          ISO9000,14000等证件


地 址:深圳市坪山区坑梓街道金沙社区人民西路177号震雄工业园B区

电 话:18926465160

邮 箱:eac@ksphotographyblog.com


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